Sunday, January 3, 2010

New Year's Resolutions

I have never been a real fan. I have composed my LISTS throughout the years, but I never got the point. I mean, you screw up your PLAN all year long, then beat yourself up over it, then make a new one, and the vicious cycle starts all over. There is sooo much more to life then least I think so. I prefer to set goals through out the year, rest them, revamp them into more realistic ones, and not discourage myself with my many failures.

I prefer to set new goals every day, week, month. So much in life changes day by day that it just doesn't seem realistic to set a goal at the beginning of the year and expect to make it happen...or...this mommy brain to REMEMBER it.

So this year I have 2 goals. One, to remember each day is just a stepping stone and to continually challenge myself to grow closer to God and my family. Two, to save all my receipts of what I get with grocery money, and every month or so re-evaluate what the grocery budget is buying and where it is going.

I think I can handle that. The rest of it? I will take one day at a time and work on things as they come along. I refuse to set myself up for failure and then, at the end of the year, see how miserable I did.

Have a wonderful and Happy New Year, and whatever YOUR resolutions....I hope you meet them.

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