Friday, October 28, 2011

Time or lack there of

I am so reminded of how little time we truly have in life today. Simply in the example of my day today. I know, how morbid, thinking of how short life is.

Sometimes I feel like we rush around all the time and truly accomplish nothing. At times I feel helpless to be able to slow any of it down.

Occasionally I take a look at what is going on and prioritize, trying to find something I can cut. The only thing that ever seems to be is spending time with/on family and friends. I am not willing to go there. I know it has already happened to a degree. I have friends that I miss. Many of them online friends because that is what has definitely decreased - online time. It makes me sad. You may say, "How does one miss an online friend?" I do. There is a spot in my heart that misses them and makes me miss being able to get together IRL even more. (Know you ARE missed.)

Being so busy makes it easier to lose track of what really matters. I know it adds to my stress levels, which triggers anger for me. I find myself in that place where I am actually spending time with my kids but it feels so worthless because I am so stressed and angry about everything. Instead of being able to just relax and spend the time together it gets wasted. I am making a conscious effort to really be in tune with my stress and anger and take it to the one I know can and will help me. Talk about LOTS of prayer!!! Someone told me the other day that her job is really demanding and it is reminding her to go to God with it. It shows her just how much she needs help. It was a good "refresher" perspective. Sometimes the stress in our lives is there because of us - because we need the reminder that we can't rely on ourselves alone. I have lived life "as an island". I don't want to be there again.

Today I am juggling a million things. It all started with a VERY late morning. I haven't been getting a lot of sleep and somehow I slept until 9 AM. Um, WOW!!! I was talking with Dave and saying that I need to remind myself not to get all stressed about how much HAS to be done today because I desperately needed that sleep and felt so much better for it. However, it is easy to look around me and get stressed out. That's when I really lose the value of those extra hours of sleep.

I know this is a bit of rambling but somewhere in there, I hope you can hear an echo of sense. It isn't how much time I have. It isn't about how much I get done. It's about what I do with the moments of time I have. Today my house may not be completely sparkling when company comes for dinner but my prayer is that I am at peace and my kids feel that company tonight doesn't mean they had a totally trashed day.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

What you really CAN do!

A few months ago my KitchenAid mixer BROKE. That is one of the worst kitchen things that could break for me. Of course it isn't under warranty anymore, even though it is only 3 years old. The frustrating thing to me is that it was still running. It just wasn't turning the beaters.

Enter me, the "fixer of all things". I took that baby apart but got to a certain part and couldn't figure out how to get it apart enough. I put it back together and finally, weeks later, we went to look at new ones.

This time we decided to look for the top of the line one. It's pretty simple, I know what I want. Of course it costs $400 BUT with a 20% off coupon AND a rebate for buying one of 2 attachment options, you really couldn't beat it. The problem was they didn't have warranty information on the box AND I really don't have $400 for a mixer right now. The other problem is that I really DO need a mixer. It is somehting that I use several times a week.

We decided to go home and figure things out. Dave decided that maybe I didn't take enough of it apart (obviously I didn't since I couldn't find anymore pieces to take apart.) Here is why it is so much better for two to work together. He found some hidden screws. Between the two of us we got everything apart and found out that Kitchenaid mixers have A TON OF GREASE in the housing, like gobs of the stuff...grotesque amounts of it!!!!

We found out that a PLASTIC gear had stripped. Yes, everything but the most important gear on the mixer is metal. We got it off, found a replacement part on Amazon, and in 3-5 days we will get the new part for $12.97 and free shipping. Now we are going to hope and pray that goes in easily and WORKS.

If it works we have just saved ourselves over $300. If it doesn't we have lost $13. I prefer to risk losing $13. You just never know what you are capable of until you try.

Oh, BTW, you can buy Kitchenaid Mixer grease on Amazon for $20...just in case you ever need to know that.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Brownies and Egg-less Molasses Cookies

This is about a lot of things. I knew coming into my "blogging life" that I can be quite random so I wanted to call it "ramblings and randomness". However, someone had that brilliant idea before me. Oh well. You have been warned.

I woke up this morning and made the children their favorite breakfast-oatmeal. We decided to try chocolate chips instead of cranberries, raisins, and sugar. Excellent idea, right? In theory, yes. In actuality, no. Oh well. You live, you learn. It started our day off badly because everyone thought this was going to be the best breakfast ever and it was a dud.

Then I thought Kieran had a one-on-one class with his teacher at 9 so I delayed starting school until then since it is always a pain to be half way through the subject and have to set it aside until later. WRONG!! After arriving at his classroom online and waiting 10 minutes I double checked the time - 11:30.

Next I got him started on a subject and started up my netbook. Ok, tried to start up my netbook. The dying battery light flashed even though it was plugged in. *Sigh* I tried to start up the PC and the data wasn't making it from the computer tower to the screen. YAY!!! Two broken computers. Thankfully the PC did start up later but I don't know how long that will last.

(Yes, I am getting to the brownies and molasses cookies.)

On a positive note I was able to wash 2 loads of laundry today without my children killing themselves or each other. Some of you know my horrible laundry room situation but if you don't, here it is. **We live in a very very small house. That means there is no space to put inside stairs to the basement. Really, it would take up my whole bathroom space to do so! We also have a front 2nd story porch that is the whole length and 1/3 the width of our house. I have to go outside, downstairs, through the garage, a second room and then back the length to the back of the basement to get to the washer and dryer. Great for exercise, not so great when you hear a thud and scream from upstairs.**

You would think two technology issues in one day was enough but no, my husband texted me on the way home and when he got home, with no coffee in hand (he asked me what I wanted), asked why I didn't text him back. I did. However, my phone says it sent it but he never got it and the sent copy had no message. Good thing a new phone is on its way.

Halfway through the day I received an email reminding me that I have snacks for our Community Group meeting tomorrow. I thought it was in November. OOPS! So now what??! I am gone from 5:30 AM until 10:30 PM tomorrow!! I finally was able to think about what I was taking around 5:00 tonight. There are a lot of allergies in our group and I really try to make sure there is yummy stuff for everyone, or as close to everyone as possible. With tree nut, peanut, egg, dairy, and sulfite allergies it is a challenge I honestly love. (I am so sorry Becky. I am not sure if I was successful.)

I grabbed my old standby - Pillsbury chocolate fudge brownie mix (sorry Erin). Instead of oil I used some of my yummy home canned applesauce and threw in chocolate syrup and cinnamon. Dairy and nut (both types) free!!!

Then, around 9 PM I found a recipe for eggless molasses cookies. SWEET!! I have been wanting molasses crinkles for awhile so it kills 2 (birds) with one stone. I get them and I don't eat them all.

They are so good, even though they are a little low on the molassesy flavor. I will definitely make them again. Once I perfect the recipe I will share it with you.

I feel accomplished. My whole day felt like such a bust but when I pulled those trays of cookies out of the oven-I felt IT. I accomplished something!
Plus those cookies were awfully yummy.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Losing the Invisible (Miscarriage mentioned)

I read of an older woman once who had lost a baby just a short time into her pregnancy over 20 years before. Her words will always stay with me. Paraphrasing her - "Don't be afraid you will ever forget. You will be old and gray and will always remember the special baby who never made it. You won't always have the same gut wrenching pain that you do today but each year the memory and emotions will change. Twenty years from now you will still have the pain but the freshness will be duller, the pain will change. That baby will still be your baby though, will always be your baby. No one can take that away from you."

At the time, I tried to picture the pain being just a little else. I couldn't imagine how that could be but it's true. Five years later the pain isn't the same. Occasionally I get flashbacks to just how dark those days were and I see how far I have come. When I was in the moment I just coped and got by. I didn't see the just how dark it was. Looking back though I can. It scares me that I've been there.

I lost a lot of friends. When you are in that place you just want your "normal friends" to understand, to be what you need. The problem is they can't. They generally feel pretty helpless and in trying to help, to put it bluntly, make it worse. I feel for friends who were exposed to me in those days. I don't remember much of what I said or other people said but I remember some things and I remember some horribly awkward moments. I also remember some long time friends who I lost through it. Like it wasn't enough to lose my baby, live far from anyone I knew, I lost my friends. I can't lay the blame. Well, one or two I can but others -they didn't know what to say or do. I can't blame them. At 16 a best friend told me she had a miscarriage and I lost her then because I didn't know what to say so I said something stupid. We never got to speak again and I never got to tell her how sorry I was that I didn't know the words to say.

Maybe you are one of those women who suffer in silence, not knowing what to say. Maybe you are one who doesn't WANT to say what you have been through. It's ok. We each grieve differently, we each remember in our own way.

Now, no matter who you are we have a day specifically set to remember those who left before they came, came silently into the world, or left us with only a few memories. October 15, Pregnancy and Infant Loss Day is set to make it just a little less taboo.

I truly believe that if women stop being afraid to talk about "it" we can change the way our friends think. We can change the way the world thinks of loss. 1 in 4 women suffer from a miscarriage. This does not factor in later term losses, stillbirth, infant loss, young child loss. IT FACTORS NONE OF THAT. OVER 1 in 4 women suffer a traumatic loss and many of them don't know what to say. How do you tell a stranger who comments on your 3 beautiful children that life isn't fair and they should be commenting on 4? You don't. Instead you silently feel torn that you have one who can't be recognized.

They say everything happens for a reason. I firmly believe that. Do I know why? No, I don't but someday maybe I will. Someday I can't wait to meet my precious little one that the average person on the street knows nothing about.

Next time you hear of someone who lost a pregnancy or infant, here's what you can do: take them a meal, send them a thinking of you card, offer to be there if they need you. Give them something to recognize their loss.

DO NOT: say "Everything happens for a reason", "I know they are better off", or "time will heal your pain". They hear it enough. Don't give them flowers. The worst reminder of their loss is when those flowers die and they have to throw them away. The places that can take a mind, you don't want to know. Don't be silent and pretend they don't exist.

All around the world today at 7 PM people will be lighting their candles in memory and honor of the little lives that are gone just like a candle's flame - one little breath. My prayer is that all the mommies and daddies suffering will feel the love and peace I ask for them.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Too Many, Not Enough....How about mind your own business?

I think it is "funny" how people believe that other people with no children can't "possibly know". Ok, so yeah, you CAN'T possibly "know". Then of course, it tends to be hinted that "IF you were a parent then you COULD "possibly know".

Boy have I got news for you!!! It doesn't end. One of the biggest things about parenthood that I never saw coming with parenthood was how many people "possibly know" so much more than you and aren't afraid to tell you so.

Today's pet peeve is "amount of children".

It is not acceptable to have one child because obviously one child will be pampered and spoiled and generally have a horrid and lonesome life. True to some degree? It CAN be. It all depends on the family and/or child. Coming from 1 of 7 I can't imagine how lonely it could be but I can imagine the sheer bliss of your toys actually being YOURS and not broken or stolen by some one else. Oops, I was the one who broke my sister's doll in a very creative way. Oooooooookay, moving right along.

It is not acceptable to have 2 children unless of course you are so good as to purposefully have 1 boy and 1 girl. Even at that, we know there are cons because obviously, 2 children of opposing genders means no sibling who truly "gets you".

Next, we have 3 children families. Oh yes, that would be my family's category. I have heard so many lame reasons why you simply cannot have 3 children. Among many other statements I have gotten "Well, two's company, three's a crowd". How absolutely silly that can be. Ok, I concede. If there are 3 children of the same gender, perhaps the older two leave out the younger. I don't know. it isn't my life. However, in our household it runs splendidly. They all fight equal opportunity. If for some reason my daughter simply cannot handle not having a companion sister of the same gender, well, she will hopefully get along perfectly with her "girl cousin" who is 2 years younger than her. Really, how much better can it get? My sister fixed that one up for me.

On we go to 4 children. This is when you start hearing "YOU HAVE HOW MANY KIDS?" Ok, so really, 4 kids IS a perfect number, especially if you have been so lucky to get 2 and 2, preferably each 2 the same gender so they will most obviously be best friends forever who never fight over room colors or sides or anything else.

I don't think we need to talk in detail of those people who get looked at as if they have 2 or more heads when they mention anything over 4 kids. We all KNOW they belong in a padded room. There simply is no other explanation.

Ok, so let's get real. Seriously, whose business is it how many children someone decides to have or not have? When did it ever become socially acceptable for people to make the comments they do about someone else's decision on family size? Too bad it isn't socially acceptable to say "Mind your own business"? Why do people NOT think before they speak? Maybe the person has 1 child does so because they tried for years and couldn't have another? Thank you so kindly for rubbing it in their face. Maybe the person who has 7 lived a life as an only child and wanted a whole house full. Either way, it really is none of your business if you aren't being asked to raise them.

Maybe the next time it would be better to mind your own business. Instead of telling me how hard it must be for "sister" to be the only girl and in round about ways suggest that my children will be -psychologically harmed because we have an uneven three, you can simply tell me how blessed I am. I remember the lady who said that with a smile versus the cringe at some other comments I also remember. Be a blessing to someone instead of pulling their day down by reminding them of just one more way they are failing their children because they simply don't feel enough guilt over things they aren't perfect at.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

In Our World today....

Kieran hates Rohanna's hair cut and doesn't fail to tell her this about once an hour. Apparently it is too short and she looks awful - she looks like a boy. *Giggle* Boys look awful?? Ok, BOY!

Kieran's vendetta continues - Me: Everyone clean up the boys' room. Kieran: Rohanna, I don't like you. Me: Why? Kieran: She always makes our room a mess.
Oh yes, I forgot, he doesn't play with toys OR sleep on the floor, which means his blanket and pillows are on the floor rather then his perfectly fine bed. It's all her fault.

Stopped at the bank. Kieran AGAIN: "Mom, tell her(bank teller at window) I said hi." Eann chimes in: "Me too." As I tell bank teller HIM "hi" from my children I want to hide in mortification. He looks at me like I am insane. Oh, that's right I AM!!!! By the way, as I was saying "hi from my children" Rohanna pipes up "For candy." Yup, see? There was a motive behind their friendly behavior. Can't you see their brains are working? "If we say 'hi' they cannot possibly miss the fact that there are children in the car and realize that they need to add some lollipops to the envelope. Maybe one of these days I will put a note in with the slip asking for dog bones instead of lollipops. See what happens then.

Before I got a mile down the road today that little red brake light popped on and started dinging at me. SERIOUSLY???!!!! WHAT NOW??? Oops, Dave forgot to add brake fluid when he changed caliper #1 yesterday. I was on the way to pick up caliper #2. Turned around, came home, found brake fluid and felt like a hero. I really did know where it goes lol. Look around, any macho guys watching? Look at me, I am THE WOMAN! I can fix cars!! :-D

Get home, call Dave, inform him that I picked up the caliper. "So, you gonna change it today?" I laughed, "How did you know I actually thought about trying it for about 5 seconds??!!!" He really wouldn't be surprised to come home to the car jacked up and missing a tire. I would most likely get half way through and not be sure if I had it quite right. I am tempted to try it just to prove that being assistant on a few too many of these jobs HAS taught me something.

Finally, in our world today, I am making tiramisu, tomato sauce, canning salsa, making bread, homemade potato soup for dinner, biscuits for dinner AND the freezer, and some yummy breakfast food for tomorrow. Maybe some apple muffins for the freezer too?? I think the caliper will wait.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Homeschooling AND Work

Homeschooling and working isn't always easy. I can't imagine the moms out there who work full time days (or nights) AND homeschool elementary to middle school. INSANITY. Ok, so it would be a little easier if I did the whole "order books" style home schooling. At least when it comes to flexibility but it would take so much more time planning.

Today is a juggle it all day. I clean three houses today, starting at 9 AM and ending whenever I get done. However, wouldn't you know, the teacher that oversees 3rd grade schedules their group classes for Tuesday mornings. Honestly, out of ALL the days it would HAVE to be Tuesday AND his lucky time? 9 AM. As if that isn't enough, apparently Tuesdays are every one's favorite day!! Kieran has a group lesson at 1 PM. Thankfully his is only once a month.

I have gotten all sorts of comments about homeschooling but here's the deal. I am no hero. I am also not a lunatic, although somedays I feel like one. We are doing what is best for OUR family - not YOUR family. If you think you can't do it, you could if that is what you needed to do for your family.

My house doesn't look like a million bucks. Actually, right now you couldn't pay me to let you see my house. Some days I wonder why I am cleaning other people's house when I walk into mine but I do what I have to do.

Somedays I do think it would be easier to stick them on the bus and wave good bye for the day but then I think of the reprecussions that would have on our family (yes, there would be quite a few) and realize it just isn't an option for us.

Instead, I pray hard and when I start to freak out and say I can't do it, my husband reminds me just get through one thing at a time then move to the next. Guess what? It works. I make it to the end of the day and move on to the next.

But in case you still think I make it all sound pretty, it's not. It's hard to juggle my life right now. There are just so many things that you can't even possibly know that are going on but I do it because this is what I have been called to, to serve my family and care for them the way they NEED me to, not the way I WANT to. Somehow God gives me grace to get through it - just one more day.

Friday, September 16, 2011

All About Food

Today has been all about food here!! I was on a roll and it was (is) FUN!!!

I decided to pull out my food dehydrator and figure it out since I have several bags of organic red delicious apples in the basement from the last food auction. They are close to going bad and I don't want to lose more money. They turned out beautifully!!! So awesome to make a favorite (healthy) treat all on my own. I also threw some grapes int here. They are half way done. While I had the dehydrator open to pull off the apples I decided to try making yogurt leather too. We'll see what happens. I used half blueberry, half strawberry Greek yogurt.

I also made my perfected banana chocolate bread recipe into muffins. I am finally completely happy with the recipe AND I use whole wheat flour but it doesn't even taste like it. Instead of putting the oat/brown sugar/butter streusel on it I sprinkled oats and a tiny bit of raw sugar on top. PERFECT!!!!

I also made Dave brownies since he commented late last night that he wished he had made brownies like he had thought of doing. I used Betty Crocker premium chocolate chunk brownies for the last time. They are super yummy and gooey and chocolatey deliciousness but it is time to embark on finding the perfect homemade brownie - HFCS(high fructose corn syrup or whatever they are calling it these days) free. I usually just doctor up boxed mixes because I never like the homemade recipes I try. They are always just kinda blah. Although I just checked my favorite boxed mix - Pillsbury. They still use plain old sugar(Who knew they could be AS good??!!! I actually like them better than BC). However, since the days of free brownie mix seem to be drawing to a close I still need to find a good recipe.

Finally, I have a friend who very graciously gave me her bread machine that was collecting dust(??) in her home. Today it is kicking off it's debut in its new home. Since I never do things by the book and I didn't have bread flour, OR all purpose flour, I substituted homemade oat flour. We'll see if it works.

Thankfully we have leftover chicken soup and salad from the last few nights' meals so dinner has an appointment with the microwave.

**Edited to add - the bread turned out great. I can only shake my head in amazement. I really though it wouldn't turn out.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Trying New Things: Dinner

I tried out 2 new recipes today. Both were a hit!!! Dave is not a huge "soup person" and he loved it. We had cauliflower soup, organic brown basmatti rice, and chicken oreganato.

Recipe 1 - Cauliflower Soup, from Pioneer Woman

I changed it up a bit. I used beef broth in place of chicken broth. Then I used 1 3/4 cup skim milk and 1/4 cup heavy cream for the whole milk. Instead of 1 cup half and half I used 3/4 cup heavy cream. I also skipped the sour cream. The recipe made enough for tonight's "veggie" and lunch for tomorrow for Dave, Kieran, and I.

The rice turned out the best rice has ever turned out for me. I adapted a trick online where you bring the rice to a boil then simmer it 5 minutes without doing anything to it. I simmered it for 30 minutes and it was done perfectly. Maybe I had a smaller amount than they used. Either way, I added some freshly made butter (like 5 minutes old) and a dash of salt and we were set.

The chicken oreganato is actually from my new recipe book that I have been reading at night. Yeah, literally. I have told my husband about 10 times that I couldn't wait to try it. It is "Don't Panic, More Dinner is in the Freezer. I bought it at Borders for, oh, maybe $3. I guess I can thank the college girl who needed to educate her guy friend on what Kegels are and how they help your sex life, in very descriptive terminology in Borders, in the cookbook section, in front of my 8 year old son. Seriously, I don't know why her reading off cookbook names had to changes from Kugels to Kegels. Anyway, her reading off the name of the book that is now ALL MINE, and proclaiming "how dumb it is. Why would anyone want that" is what brought my attention to it. Girl, little do you know that someday those Kegels might lead to "the best sex you ever had"(another thing she alluded to) and in turn, end you up with a darn good reason to have some dinners in the freezer.

Ok, so here's the recipe, just in case you ever need "dinner in a hurry".

Chicken Oreganato
6 Servings

3 # cut up chicken pieces
4 medium potatoes cut into chunks
4 roma or plum tomatoes
1 large onion cut into medium chunks
1/4 cup olive oil
1/4 cup fresh oregano, coarsely chopped
1/2 t. kosher salt
1/2 t. freshly ground pepper

In large bowl combine chicken and vegetables. Add oil, salt, pepper, and oregano. Stir until chicken and vegetables are evenly coated. Place chicken and vegetables in freezer bag and freeze.

Thaw completely, Preheat oven to 50 degrees. Place chicken and vegetables in large roasting pan, making sure chicken is skin side up and resting on top of the vegetables. Roast until chicken juices run clear, appr. 1 - 1 1/2 hours.

Ok, so, do you think I actually followed this?? No, but I will next time. It was very good with the time and ingredients I had. I had to use the chicken up fast. I was actually afraid that the difference in last night and this morning would be the difference in good and bad chicken. I put the chicken in a pan with onion but no other veggies, drizzled the oil over and then appr. 1/8 cup dried oregano. Covered the dish with foil and baked it over night, 11 PM to appr. 5:15 AM on 200 degrees. Dave pulled it out and put it in the fridge before he left for work. This evening I put it in the oven at 375, covered with foil. It cooked while the rice cooked and was heated when the rice was done (30'ish minutes. It was so good and moist. We loved this also.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Islander Pork: Recipe and Review

We had this for dinner the other night. It is really simple. I made it even easier. I put the raw roast in the crock pot and then followed the rest of the steps minus the nutmeg since I didn't have any. Seriously, who doesn't have nutmeg? Well, after dumping my nutmeg the other month and being too cheap to pay THEYWANTHOWMUCHFORTHAT?! I have none. Oh well. I added whole small potatoes and baby carrots - no peeling, no chopping!!!

It was in the crock pot on high for 6-8 hours. I wish I could tell you what time exactly but your lucky I even remembered we ate this week.

It was really good but next time I will thicken the juices like it suggests at the end. That wold add a richer flavor to it. Because I made it in the crock pot it was very tender and moist. I will definitely make this recipe again.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

What an Adventure...

Ha! But not one I really wished to take. Our car battery stopped working. Of course, right before a hurricane was suppose to hit. We left it at Wawa(gas station) overnight and the next day we went back with a new battery from Wal Mart. You really see how nosy people are when you are standing in a gas station parking lot trying to change a battery. I stood there holding a huge musty smelling black umbrella while Dave tried to get the battery out in the rain and wind that started kicking up, a precursor to what later made it appear to be a slight breeze.

Well, that battery lasted 3 days. I got a call from Dabve at 5:50AM asking if I could pick him up from right up the road and take him to work. Fun times. Obviously there was something else wrong with the car. We both thought alternator. Not like we have ever had car problems before. That was sarcasm in case you didn't catch it. (I'm thinking of you Aunt Sylvia and the time you let us borrow your car. Oh, and the time Chuck and Jan let us borrow their boat....and the time....and the time...) It's been quite a few years since "those days".

We finally figured out "how to jump start your car" amid dire warnings of battery explosions, acid burns, frying your car, you name it. We were able to get it home thankfully. Anyway, so we called the mechanic we like to use - we buy the parts and pay $50 an hour. He usually fits us right in and we are golden. However, our mechanic is approximately 16 miles away. I am laughing now. Most of the trip is highway which is great - there's a wide berm IF the car dies. Which, you know, is quite likely. I prayed so hard!!! Yeah, right. We were about 6 miles away and he coasts off the side of the highway. THE HIGHWAY!!! Dave pulled into the grass so I could pull up next to him and he jump started the car AGAIN and much more quickly this time Thank God!! I was, of course, imagining all sorts of horribleness like some tractor trailer blowing by us so fast he flipped the car or someone hitting the van, then knocking into the car and hitting Dave and of course, everything blowing up from the cars charging and something going horrible wrong.

Thankfully it was over in no time and 5 minutes later we were exiting the highway. Of course it was busy and uphill and wouldn't you know, there was another car off the exit, hood up. I saw Dave starting to gesture with his arms just as the car I started jerking. He made it around the corner and amazingly, a few driveways down, where we needed to go. We both fit into the driveway and the car stopped. I started laughing. Seriously, we made it!!! Apparently he put it in neutral as soon as we got off the exit because it had completely died, and coasted down the slight slope to where we needed to go.

Now we are just waiting for a phone call to say the car is ready....I'm worried. It was suppose to be ready about 20 minutes ago.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Quirky Week?

First we get an earthquake on the East coast, then a hurricane is heading our way. Well, in between that my kids get to experience their first vicious thunderstorm of the year. Yes, I know, we have had several this year. They were all at night!!

At the first clap of thunder Eann wondered if we were having another earthquake. No sweetie, it's a thunder storm. "I have never heard a thunderstorm this bad mom."

"Well Eann, we have had SEVERAL this year already but you see, you all slept right through them." The look on his face was hysterical. He couldn't believe me at first. These children literally sleep through smoke detectors blasting for 10 minutes in their bedrooms at the 1 AM, "there's a battery dead somewhere and the electric back up is letting you know."

So enter tonight. We haven't been real freaked out to be honest. I mean, we have prepared just in case but no big concerns. But then there are tornado warnings EVERYWHERE. We opted to haul sleeping children through the rain to the basement "just in case". After all, we do live on a hill. Thankfully it was just a "drill". Two stayed asleep through the journey down, laying on the hard floor, and back up through the rain. The other heard tornado and has been awake for a bit. Again, Eann. We get them all back in be and Eann comes out all worried because "the sky looked red". Seriously?? I have no idea what that child saw. It is BLACK out there besides the floodlights at the mushroom farm. there is no mistaking ANYTHING for red tonight but I think he was sure the sky was falling or something.

Meanwhile, Dave is using a SNOW SHOVEL to scoop water out of the driveway because it is running into the garage like it's a riverbed. Problem is there is nowhere for the water to go. It's a losing battle. Now the turtle sand box has become a water catch all in hopes of alleviating it. What next? Empty the garbage bags out of the trash cans and put them out? Put all my packing boxes out to sop it up?

Oh, and Dave just said "The good thing is the eye is still down near Richmond." I asked what is so good about that. He didn't have an answer. I think he is too tired to actually be carrying a conversation.

So what is coming tomorrow? I have no idea but I am ok waiting to find out. For now I will go make myself a cup of Mexican hot chocolate and find something to eat. I missed dinner. :-/

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

And She Scores!! Oatmeal

Rohanna is my picky eater. She always turns her nose up at oatmeal. Just ask my sister - she spoon fed her one day to try to get some in her. No matter what you do to it she whines.

Maybe my baby is growing up!! She didn't complain when she heard we were having it but that doesn't really mean much. What matters is when you put it in front of her.

I made it on the stove with water and threw in a handful of dried cranberries. Once it was done I mixed a beaten egg into it and stirred. Not fast enough apparently because there were those yellow and white little clumps.

I served her a tiny bit and the boys bigger servings, sprinkled a little raw sugar on top and added a moat of milk.

I cringed as I watched her gingerly put it into her mouth. Imagine my surprise when she said "Mommy, why did you give me only a tiny bit?" The child had THIRDS!!!

I will say it was pretty yummy. :)

Friday, August 19, 2011

It's a Plan

My life is so much easier when I actually plan my meals out. Plus we eat so much better. No "throw it together" half meals. With school starting in just over a week I really need to get my act together. This is the first year we are "structured" homeschooling. Don't get me wrong, Eann is fully educated and on track for his age. Anyway, this is about food not school.

I am making THE PLAN. Maybe it will give you some ideas for dinner this coming week.

Saturday: Chili and cornbread
Sunday: grilled chicken, cabbage/broccoli, and mashed potatoes
Monday: halupki and porcupine meatballs (I will post a recipe after I make them slow cooker style)
Tuesday: slow cooker pork chops, rice, mushroom soup and broccoli
Wednesday: veggie stirfry
Thursday: pasta and sauce - I have a ladies' night
Friday: not sure - company is coming

Next I need to print my menu with a list of what meats need to be pulled and thawed in the fridge on what days. That way it actually happens. What do you do to stay on track with meals during the week?

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Struggling with this child!

I have a child I won't name. If you know us well you most likely will know who it is anyway.

So, this child is scared of some any things. Literally - we cannot watch Scooby Doo, Duck Tales, and Atlantis type movies scare him too. These are just a few!! Sometimes the music on games gives him nightmares - I guess the suspenseful sounding stuff(?). He sleeps on the floor because he is scared to sleep on the bed - still can't figure out WHY!!!

We have seen here and there where he needs to know things ahead of time to be able to handle "things".

An example, he loves to have sleepovers at my parents. He will beg to have one. However, if you spring it on his last minute he is a crying mess. Literally, hiding under their table crying, with the thought that we can;t say good bye and of course, can't leave. He has to have 2-3 days notice - even with something he LOVES!!!

Today just clinched it. At the Y you have to be a certain age to go to the BIG kid zone. HE has had a rough time with the fact that his brother can and he can't. There are so many things that he can't do that we chose not to make an issue of this one. Older brother is waiting for him to be big enough. He has been waiting for 3 months and wants to "go to the Y on his birthday so he can go to the big kids' class". Well, they are slightly busy today and the main guy said the older one could go so I explained why we were holding off and he said "Oh, his birthday's in a week, he can go too." Any "normal" kid would be excited, right?? As we head upstairs he begged me to let him stay downstairs. By the time we got up there he had tears!!! I ended up making him stay up there because I just didn't have the time to keep going back and forth but it was horrible on him. He did have an ok time but I only stayed 1/2 hour because I wasn't sure how he would do. He didn't look thrilled when I got back but hard to get out of him whether it was good or not.
I try to give him notice as much as possible but sometimes it just isn't an option and I need to teach him how to cope with that. I can't deal with these meltdowns every time something unplanned happens. Do any of you have tricks to help?

Thursday, August 4, 2011

We call it a "God thing"

Ok, so background. Our church has what we call community groups. It's groups of people, families, couples within the church who connect 2 times a month in another member's home, our community group leader.

Way back in, I think January, we were talking about something - I can't even remember what. It had something to do with commuting and one car being stressful. Anyway, so one of them said "Well, since you guys can't afford a car, we need to start praying for a free one." Yeah, uh, me? No really, I believe that God can do some crazy things. But a car for me? It's so easy to see where someone else deserves something or needs something so much more than I do. I prayed about it a few times. I honestly have no idea how often they did. We didn't really talk about it again for awhile. Well, it came up again with Dave's new job.

It's been a hard thing to figure out what to do. A 25-27 mile commute one way may not seem like that big a deal but when you have 1 vehicle it is difficult. Especially when our lives don't just stop. It's been stressful. VERY stressful. Some mornings we have all had to be out of the house at 5:15 and not been home until 8 PM. Other times I have been home for 3 days straight, with no way out. LITERALLY. It isn't like I live in the city and can walk anywhere. We are just stuck. It's enough to drive a person insane. I know, I have been on the edge of insanity a few times these last few weeks. Our options were 1) move - we even spoke with our landlords about the potential of breaking our lease and they were very gracious. There were few strings attached. A move would mean our rent would be 1.5 times what it is now. 2) Buy a new car.

The issue was this. We can't buy a car and then move in 8 months because we wouldn't be able to afford the payment and the increased rent. Time is most important to us as a family so we decided we needed to rough it until we could move. This is why the last few weeks have been so stressful.

Last Friday was a bad day. I wasn't feeling that great and between Dave's schedule and my work schedule I wasn't getting much sleep, which I don't deal well with. I get sick. Add sick kids to the mix it was ugly.

My community group leader/friend (the wife half)called and asked me if I was sitting down.

"Yes," I said. "Why?" "Well, you know that free car we were praying for? You got it if you want it." The owners had heard we were a 1 car family commuting and wanted to offer us the car (from some one other than the cg leaders)

After several days of back and forth with the owners, who by the way didn't know we were praying for a free car, details were that they thought the car had pretty much died permanently. Their mechanic looked at it to see if he wanted it for parts,etc. and said "All it needs is a starter. What do you want to do?" They replaced the starter at no cost to us and called us at 9 PM last night to say we could have it today if we wanted it.

Ironically Dave and I were much closer there than our home since we went away over night. We met at the auto shop this afternoon, went to the tag shop, and after an hour of paper work we own, at $128 in tags, title, and reg. - a new to us car.

Unless you have been there you cannot even fathom the relief this is already. The stress is already melting away. We are so very grateful for how we have been provided for and truly feel like we don't deserve it but here it is. We have been provided for. call it coincidence, call it whatever you wish, but for us, it's a "God thing".

For 10 years we have been a "1 car family". Today, our 10th anniversary, we are a 2 car family. We are blessed beyond anything we could ever imagine.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

GriIllin' Lunch

I have come to the conclusion that if you try really hard you can feed a family of 5 for pretty inexpensively. I have made quite a few dinners this week under $7 per meal - COMPLETE meal, as in all 5 had plenty to eat and Dave has lunch tomorrow.

I got a good deal on chicken legs - .69# so I pulled those out of the freezer and marinated them in apple cider vinegar, oil, 2 eggs, and seasonings (appr. 5#). I actually cooked it last night and left it to marinate over night. Perfect because with a late lunch today we needed it done quickly. It was on the grill 10 minutes and DONE.

I bought red potatoes - 5# for 2.50. We used just over half of them. I sliced them in the food processor and put a serving on foil (5) added chopped onions, dabs of butter, a little shredded cheddar, salt and freshly ground pepper. Folded that up and put them on the top shelf of the grill for around 20 - 30 minutes.

Then I sliced up tomatoes- the seconds I bought at less than $.50#, used approximately 1#.

Lunch cost us approximately $6 if you figure in odd change for the products I already had in my cabinet.

I know some can't get different things quite as cheap but if I just went to the nearest grocery store I couldn't either. I found other options which is how I am able to get these prices.

My challenge (from my other blog) is see where you can cut costs. First do a breakdown of what a meal is costing you then see if you can cut it and still eat well.

I paid approximately

Saturday, July 30, 2011

A "Food" Day

It's been a while since I had a food day. Today I was kind of forced into it. Thankfully I was in the mood for it though. I had gotten a box of early apples the other week and they are starting to go bad.

Plus I asked the guy at Amish stand if they had any tomato seconds and he said he was selling them $10 a box. You probably imagine bumped and rotting tomatoes but these are mostly in great shape. They just are small or got picked a day early, maybe have a few bruises or just imperfect. I love them. We weighed our box ad it was 25+ pounds.

To top it off I pulled a 10# bag of chicken legs out of the freezer and had to cook those. It was $.69# one time and Dave forgot to ask if it should be frozen as is or separated and so the result was a 10# bag of frozen chicken.

I made:

1 pre-sliced, sweetened pie filling - you put foil then wrap down in a pie plate, pile the apples, cinnamon and sugar in, wrap it, lift it out of the pie plate,stick it in a ziploc bag and freeze it. When you want a pie you pull it out, sprinkle a little sugar in the bottom crust, pop the frozen apples in, sprinkle a little flour, dot it with some butter, add a splash of milk and vanilla and bake as normal, adding appr. 10 minutes to your baking time. Easy and still great tasting.

OR you can put it in a pan, sprinkle a mixture of butter, oats and sugar on top and have super easy apple crisp in no time.

I blended 1/3 of the tomatoes with 4 large cans of tomatoes I had, onion, broccoli, garlic, and green pepper, threw in some spices and cooked it down for a few hours. That made enough sauce for tonight's pizza, 1 single sauce for Dave for lunch sometime(with pasta), and 3 family meals.

While that was cooking we tried our new ice cream maker - a sweet deal at Target for $6 (thanks so much for picking that up for me, Shannon). YUM!!!

As for the chicken, I tried something new. Instead of cooking it down in a pan with lots of water I put 2/3 the legs in the crock pot with just 1-2 cups of water and cooked it on high a few hours. It took less time than I thought it would considering they were still partially frozen. That made enough for a rich broth and chicken for 2 soups. I threw the rest of it in a pan with homemade marinade and boiled until just cooked through, That will go on the grill for lunch tomorrow.

Thankfully Dave made the pizza - whole wheat crust with sauce, cheese, and veggies loaded on it. One also had those Tyson ready to eat grilled chicken strips on it that I got for .90 the other week.

My husband was an awesome dishwasher and there are only a few dishes left from that day!!!

Good night.....ok, ok, and big balls if you watch that show (Wipeout)you know what I mean!!

Friday, July 29, 2011

The easiest waffles ever!

We love homemade waffles in our house. My husband actually likes to make the waffles. I guess somehow "fancy breakfast" turned into his thing - well, pancakes and waffles anyway. He does scrabbled eggs sometimes too.

I found this recipe on Hallee the Homemaker's website a few months ago. - Sue's Oatmeal Blender Waffles

Since then we have made them several times. It's so nice because you can easily do the second part in the AM while the waffle iron heats up. If you plan to make these make sure you realize you start it the night before!!! The first time I made them I didn't have buttermilk or any other alternative so I used coconut milk. I can say that they were some of the best waffles I ever had and "felt" a bit healthier than your ordinary white flour waffle. They practically melt in your mouth.

The second time we made them with homemade buttermilk. They were still really good but not quite as rich and melty.

The 3rd and 4th times we tried pancakes. Time number one they were super flat but still melt in your mouth. The second time they were nicely puffed and so delicious. Oops, guess something went wrong with the baking soda the other time. New baking soda did the trick.

We absolutely LOVE this recipe and since I buy oats by the 50# I always have plenty of them. You definitely need to try them.

We also skip the store bought syrup and make our own. While waffles are cooking we put brown sugar(soon I will experiment with raw sugar), a bit of water and vanilla or some other flavoring in it in a pan on the stove. I bring it to a boil for a minute or so and then turn it off to sit. So good and much cheaper then pancake syrup. Last time I added fresh blueberries to it and cooked it over medium for a while to help soften up the berries before I brought it to a boil to thicken it quicker. Our "homemade syrup" takes about 10 minutes to make.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Super Mom

I was chatting with a mom yesterday and it really made me think of some things. We were talking about kids and home and guilt. Guilt? Yeah no, not me!!! If you are a mom almost every single one of you know what that word GUILT does to you. I bet most of you could give me a list of things you feel guilty about right off the top of your head - from the way you parented 1 child, versus the way you parent the youngest, things you have said, done, you name it, we moms have this great relationship with guilt.

Oh, and to top it all off we HAVE to have it all together. I mean, of course every one else around us does.

I never bought into "looking perfect". If you think I do then you need a reality check. I'm not - nowhere near it!!! Really wish you could see my house right now!! Oh wait, no, I really don't. I really try hard to keep it real. Maybe I don't always look perfect and awesome but that's ok. There are enough perfect and awesome people out there. Sometimes I need to know there's a mom out there who struggles just like I do. It can be hard to find them sometimes. When it is it makes life even more daunting.

So here's the deal, I don't have it all together. Every day I choose what's going to get left undone, well, I don't think "Well, today I'm not going to get the dishes done." But I know that realistically speaking I am not going to get the dishes done, the bedroom and bathroom cleaned, that stack of ironing, coupons, blogging, kids loved, living room cleaned, kitchen cleaned, dishes done, and breakfast, lunch, AND a gourmet dinner on the table. Oh yes, can't forget my phone calls - Ki needs that dentist appointment still, 2 months later and I need to verify a cleaning job for tomorrow since, well, apparently that mom doesn't have it all together - how dare she - and may forget.

Here's the reality, we can't get it all done. Wait, well, we can, but at the expense of what? I personally feel that in the course of a day kids come first. If dinner isn't on time but you invested in the life of a child that desperately just needed mommy, that's ok. The house might be a disaster but those appointments were made even though you DID have to lock yourself in the bathroom for a place quiet enough to make them.

All you can do is take one day at a time and if you believe in God's grace, take it and hold on for dear life. Sometimes that's all you got.

I do have good news for you. Someday your house will be all together. Dinner will be on the table on time, the bathroom mirror will sparkle at the same time and the bedroom looks like a catalog page. AND you will look all put together, well rested when you sit down to eat that well balanced gourmet dinner. Um, someday when the kids are grown. So stop, take the guilt, and don't buy in to it. Your kids will never know that the first 5 years of their life each was raised just a little differently UNLESS YOU TELL THEM. They don't need to know until they are moms, just trying to do it all and not feel guilty. Then they'll get it.

Just be a mom, a wife, a lawyer, house cleaner, dr., be whatever job you are and leave the guilt at the door. We don't have time for it. Our bodies don't have time for it, and our houses most definitely don't have time for it.

Now go pull something out of the freezer to make for dinner. Take a few minutes to throw it all in the crock pot and you have one less thing to worry about.

Dinner ideas for the guilty mom:

**Spaghetti with meat sauce - box of pasta, jar of sauce, and browned beef or
sausage add a fresh veggie (doesn't even have to be cooked since you keep the
maximum nutrients) Future tip - when you have time cook up burger, sausage ahead
and freeze it proportioned. Grab a bag and dump it, frozen, into the crock pot
with sauce.)

**Roast with root veggies - throw a pork, whole chicken or beef roast in the crock
pot with a chopped onion, little flour, salt, pepper (plus I use chili powder,
diced garlic/garlic powder, parsley fresh or dry, red pepper flakes, rosemary for
chicken, you name it) cubed up potatoes, carrots and or celery

**Tuna noodle casserole - add some frozen peas or broccoli and you have your
protein, starch AND veggie all in one

**Throw chicken and potato packets on the grill (potato packets - 1" cubed potatoes
slices of onion, a dab of butter, salt and pepper folded up in a foil packet

Most of all, just have a blessed day being you. Leave the cape in a drawer.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Some Rambling Morning

What is the most awesome thing about living 1 mile from a Dunkin Donuts? You can leave to get a coffee and be back in 7 minutes when it all works right. Our intersection is near a light and I have to turn left to get to the light. It can take 10 minutes occasionally but not in the early morning. :) Providing the light is green, there is no train, the is no line of traffic trying to turn left at the intersection(have to cross that one too), there is no line in DD's AND the cashier isn't half asleep, you get a miracle and have the light for your left turn back home turn green just as you come out the parking lot (MIRACLE!!!!), and you don't have that guy going 5 mile an hour down the road, you can totally do it. Dave had 4 minutes until he had to leave. He was even so kind as to start my computer for me AND tell me where a clean dish rag is(I need to buy more) "IF I decide I want to do dishes." Maybe, just maybe I can do that. If I can get the kitchen cooled down.

In other random news it appears that this NON morning person is cursed with getting up at 5 AM every morning. It's an interesting thing getting up in the dark in the summertime and not something I really cared to know about on a first name basis. Coffee!!! Thank you God for yummy blueberry coffee and a DD's that has Decaf made even in the morning hours. No cracks about Decaf please. It makes me sad I can't have regular coffee. You know how much I miss out on???

Making a nice little push on my surveys these days. More on that on my other blog later. Mornings are a great time for me. I need to grab a pen and paper and start writing again. The plus to early morning is the kids aren't up.....oh never mind, there's a child. Well, it WAS fun while it lasted. Have a good day, and drink your water. It's going to be another humid day.

Monday, July 18, 2011

In the mood to cook?

Make it work for you!! You know that tomorrow or the next day you won't feel like it so plan ahead.

I really feel like cooking today. I have time and I know I will have time to make meals the rest of the week since I will be home (potentially) all but Tuesday.

We picked up a bulk order of pork yesterday and the lady we ordered from was kind enough to offer us bags of bones. She said some people use them for their dogs and I, well, I will use them for soup. I started cooking one bag down last night and Dave finished it off (THANK YOU!!) Today I packaged and froze it for soup broth.

We are having chicken spiedies sans the roll for dinner tonight. Yes, I know, too much of the world has no idea what that is. Google it - or if you have Swagbucks toolbar maybe you can get some points for it. Last time I froze chicken breast I was lazy. I just shoved the whole package in the freezer. I know, horrible. Anyway, because of that I had to thaw way more chicken then I wanted to use. I cut enough chicken breasts in half length wise to marinate for the grill tonight. I will also throw some thin sliced green squash on with a bit of olive oil, pepper, salt, garlic powder, and paprika.

Next I cut some up in cubes to marinate and put in the oven. Those ones will be frozen for another meal after they are cooked.

The rest of it (yes, there was more-I bought the family pack) I cut into cubes and put in the oven with mushroom soup. I am making rice now so I can mix it with the chicken and freeze it in a throw away pan for next Wednesday's dinner - chicken and rice.

I also pulled apple/sugar/cinnamon mixture out of the freezer and put that in a pan, topped it with blueberries and candied ginger, then sprinkled a mixture of butter, oats, brown sugar and cinnamon over top for tonight's dinner. I want to spoil my man. He totally deserves it. I will let you know how that dessert turns out.

I am also going to make sauce today because Dave has been wanting hot sausage and sauce over pasta. That will be easy to throw in the crock pot Thursday to go along with the homemade pasta I am making today. On second thought I will make the sauce and pasta on Wednesday or Thursday. My kitchen is already a mess from what I made so far. Even easier for you is to just buy a box of pasta. Super easy dinner if you pre-make the sausage and sauce then throw it in the freezer for another day or even just toss it in that morning. You don't even have to cut up the sausage if don't want to. If you freeze it all do you pull it out and stick it in the crock pot for the day, come home, cook the pasta and a veggie and you are set. One of the best things I have found if I want fresh veggies quick is Ziplocs Zip and Steam bags.You have fresh steamed broccoli in minutes.

The most important thing? Don't over achieve. Make it manage-able. If you start a million things you will be worn out and grumpy. That serves no one, least of all yourself. for today I am happy I got what I did done. I know it will make my life easier whether I am working or preparing my house for a move.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Food.....and Haystacks

I do love food. Maybe that's why the majority of things I blog about over here (opposed to my deal blog) are food related.

Today I have venison chops thawed in the fridge so I am going to crust them with cocoa and chili powder and grill them.

I was thinking of doing a pork roast because I forgot about the chops so I am going to make pineapple mango salsa today to put with the pork roast that I will slow cook tomorrow.

I am also going to make homemade salsa(if I have enough tomatoes) for haystacks on Sunday. haystacks - food, not actual hay. They are really super easy!!!

Cook hamburger and rice per their instructions (separate, not together).
Grate cheese - cheddar is best.
Dice onions and tomatoes (separate)
Chop lettuce.
Crush Nacho Doritos (or the generic equivalent)
Grab some salsa

Ok, so you can layer it anyway you like but here is what I do on individual plates so if someone doesn't want onions they don't have to have them.

A spoonful of beef, a sprinkle of cheese, a layer of rice, a sprinkle of cheese, lettuce tomatoes, onion, salsa and a generous sprinkle of salsa.

I have to thank the Mennonite church for 1 thing. This is a meal we "learned" shortly after my family joined it from a family we were friends with.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


I really wish I could find a place fairly local that had "Pick Your own" blueberries for great prices. That is one of the few things I miss about Vermont. They had a PYO 10 minutes form my house that was 1.50 a pound. With that in my mind I went web surfing. The cheapest I found was 2.75!!!!!!! And that was if you got more then 20 pounds. Ok, I have picked berries for 2 hours before with one other adult - we netted 6. Um, seriously, who has time to pick that many berries without keeling over?

I got a great deal at the grocery store the last 2 weeks. Too bad they limited how many you could buy without a million trips to the grocery!

So far I have made Blueberry Buckle (recipe below), plan to freeze some for winter muffins and smoothies, and I want to make blueberry jam.

So, blueberry buckle. Can I just say YUM????!!!!

Blueberry Buckle, taken from Blue Ribbon Recipes

1/2 cup unsalted butter, room temp. (I use salted and skip the salt below)
1 1/2 cups sugar (I used brown sugar)
1 cup milk
2 eggs, beaten
4 cups all purpose flour
4 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon salt (not me)
1 1/4 teaspoons cinnamon
2 cups blueberries - um no, try 4 cups!!! Less is pointless

Preheat oven to 375. Grease/Spray a 13 x 9 baking pan. IF YOU USE THE LEMON SAUCE PART OF THE RECIPE DO NOT USE A GLASS BAKING DISH!!!! It cannot handle being under the broiler.
In large bowl, cream butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Add eggs and milk and beat well. Whisk together flour, baking powder, salt, and cinnamon. Add to butter mixture and stir (I used my stand mixer on a lower speed) and stir to combine. Fold in blueberries (Do NOT use a mixer, use a spoon or spatula unless you want very blue batter and very little juicy berries.)

Next, make the topping and press over top of batter.

Combine the following ingredients until crumbly. (Mine ended up gooey but still worked)
1/2 cup unsalted butter, cut into pieces
2/3 cup flour
1 cup sugar
1/2 teaspoon mace or nutmeg (I skipped)

Bake for 45 minutes or until toothpick comes out cleanly. I usually set the time for 15 less minutes and check them. Generally it takes 10 minutes less in my oven but this one took the whole 45 minutes and then some.

They have a sauce they put on top but my husband isn't always huge into lemony things so I did something else. Their recipe for lemon sauce -

1 cup unsalted butter, room temp.
2 cups sugar
2 cups water
2 eggs beaten
Grated zest and juice from 1 large lemon

Preheat broiler. Melt butter in a large saucepan over medium heat. Add sugar, water, and eggs. Bring to a boil. Remove from heat and stir in lemon juice and zest. Pour as much of the lemon sauce as possible over the baked cake. Broil until bubbly and golden. Serve with remaining sauce.

As I said, I skipped the lemon sauce. Instead I made honey orange whipped cream.

I poured heavy whipping cream in a bowl, drizzled in a teaspoon of honey and then squeezed approximately 1/4 of an orange's juice into the bowl as I beat the whipping cream. It ended up so yummy. I wasn't sure how the citrus would react with the cream so I undercut the orange. Next time I will make it a bit stronger.

It was a HUGE hit!!!

Friday, July 1, 2011

It's a prairie dog, a gopher, a groundhog

Me: Kieran, would you like to water the plants?
Kieran: Oh yes. SO Kieran goes out to water plants. He comes running in 5 seconds later.
Kieran: I'm scared because there's a groundhog out there. He might pop out at me." Me: He won't pop out at you.
Kieran goes out, comes back in. "Mommy, but there's a prairie dog out there. He might get me."
Me: We don't have prairie dogs.
Kieran: I mean, I mean, a gopher. The gopher might get me. He might pop out of his hole and bite me.
Me: We don't have gophers.
Kieran: I mean the groundhog. The ground hog might come after me.
Me: Kieran, the groundhog will run screaming away from you.
Kieran: You mean groundhogs run AND scream?
Me: Kieran, never mind. Just go back to bed.

Last time I let him get up to water plants!!! For the record, the sun still hasn't set and it's 8 PM.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Strawberry Rhubarb Shortcake

It has been an interesting week. A friend and I agreed to skip the sugar this week. You know, no candy, sweets, etc. We didn't skip fruit though, no worries!!

We had a few exceptions and mine was dessert last night. We had company and I wanted my dessert!!! Side note, it's going so well we are doing it again next week. Sunday is our "free" day and I may need a fancy sugary coffee drink Monday night since I will be driving through the night but other than that, no sugar.

Oops, where was I? Oh yeah, strawberry shortcake. :) Well, I started dessert and realized I had a teensy tiny problem. I have NO white sugar in my house. NONE!!! I really didn't feel like running to the store. If you have several children yourself, I am sure you completely understand the agony of running to the store for one single item, them in tow.

I decided to once again make my guests my guinea pigs. Some of you know that feeling already, haha.

I made the shortcake from Robert Irvine's strawberry shortcake recipe. Instead of white sugar I used packed brown sugar. The cake turned out really good.
After baking the cake I put it on a plate to cool then sliced it into 2 layers.

Next I spread a layer of strawberry rhubarb filling between the layers.

I made the filling by cooking together 2 stalks of rhubarb(chopped), 6-8 strawberries (quartered), approximately 1 cup of water, 2 tablespoons honey, and 1.5 tablespoons cornstarch. I cooked this mixture on medium, stirring frequently until it was fairly thick. After taking it off the burner I let it cool then put it between the layers.

After I plated each slice I heaped sliced strawberries on and around it, and spooned ginger honey whipped cream on the top.

To make the whipped cream I put approximately 1 cup heavy whipping cream in a chilled bowl. Then I drizzled honey over the beaters - not much. Maybe a teaspoon. AS I starting beating the cream I sprinkled approximately 1/8 teaspoon ground ginger into the mixture. The whipped cream was done when it formed stiff peaks.

I admit that it was the best sugar I have had all week!!!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Keeping My Head Above Water

I don't know about you but some days I feel like I can barely keep my head above water. Actually, scratch that. Some weeks is more like it. Between housecleaning for other people, homeschooling, deal finding, parenting, being a wife, only having one car to be 2 different places in, church, and trying to provide healthy meals, I struggle. Oh yeah, add cleaning my house, eating right, and exercise to that.

Some days I feel like it is a never ending struggle just to see straight ahead let alone look at what is going on in the world around me, and in my friends' and family's life.

I cut my housecleaning down 2 jobs thinking that at least I get one more day every other week but don't you know, there is always something else that creeps in. My husband finally got the promotion we have been waiting(and working hard) for. This is great and honestly, such an answer to prayers. It has been a long hard two years. The only problem is that it is 25 miles away. No traffic, it is a 45 minute to 1 hour commute. Between now and then, a couple of weeks from now, I need to get schedules figured out and get in the routine of them. There isn't much room for error. I will either be home without a car for 12 hours or have the car and be an hour away all day. I admit, my life is daunting enough right now. Adding that makes me exhausted and yes, makes me cry. On top of it, Dave will be gone many more hours, so will be able to help me out with the house and yard much less. We already don't have enough hours in the day!!!

I know, have faith. I do. I know it will work out. It's just a mountain that I have to tackle, something to pray about, and motivation for me to get in gear and MOVE.

Look at the bright side. At least I have 9 months to get my house packed up for yet another HOUSE move.

Until next time, 1 stroke at a time. You know, if I just keep swimming I will eventually get to the edge, right?

Monday, March 21, 2011

Apple Scones

It's been a while but I pulled out (ok, found it in my browser's favorites list) a super easy apple scone recipe. I figured after subjecting the kids to lemon ginger ones last time I would make something they actually like. Here is the link to the recipe.

I add 1/2 cup more flour to mine then they call for. I also mix the cinnamon right into the dough. I would add more then 1 apple. 1 just isn't enough. Maybe 1.5 would be good because I believe I tried 2 before and it was too much. I do not recommend using a butter spread as it mixes into a stickier dough and isn't knead-able. I haven't tried stick margarine so I don't know what results you would have with that. Real butter is so much better for a scone anyway.

Instead of making large circles I drop it by spoonfuls on a greased/sprayed pan. It makes approximately 10 3 inch scones this way.

Last but least I do not brush milk and sugar over the top.

Monday, March 14, 2011

I am doing a Diaper Drive

I am doing a diaper drive for Amnion Crisis Pregnancy Center.

Let me start back before I became involved with Amnion. Before my hands on experience with a crisis pregnancy center, my stereotype of them was what many of you may think or have thought - their first and main goal is to keep women from aborting their babies and to help them adopt out an "unwanted" baby.

Nothing could be farther from the truth. While a large goal of theirs is to keep the numbers of babies who are being aborted from growing they go way beyond that.

When a young woman comes into their center, pregnant, they give her her legal options. Yes, this does include abortion. They do not encourage an abortion, neither do they refer for an abortion, or suggest a clinic she can go to for one. Rather they educate her on each choice she can make.

Not only do they do this but a large part of what I have seen is that they help families of young children with clothes, diapers, cribs or car seats if need be, toys, etc. They refer them to resources such as WIC, Food stamps, organizations that help with housing, and domestic violence information. They offer classes for preparing for child birth, and caring for an infant/child. They also offer counseling to women who have chosen to have an abortion and are suffering emotionally from that decision, loving them and caring for them.

While Amnion is a "Christian" organization they do not force religion on anyone. They don't make someone listen to a sermon or their beliefs in order to receive help. They don't require you go to a church and they offer help, no strings attached. I have seen this personally.

In past years Kimberly Clark has donated the diapers left in their warehouse at the end of the year. This year however, they were informed there were no diapers. This is a HUGE impact on Amnion as I have seen more diapers go out those doors then any other item.

The crisis center in my local town and personal experience with is the one I am "raising" diapers for. The majority of the people they help are immigrant families who are struggling to get on their feet.
Would you consider either donating a pack of diapers or a few dollars to go towards a pack of diapers? If you are not local and would like to be part of this you could paypal me the money and I will get the diapers My goal is to get 50 packs of diapers, from size 1-4, with size 4 being the most needed.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Making Pizza Dough with Friends

What's more fun than making pizza? Why, making pizza WITH FRIENDS of course!!!

A few months ago we were having dinner with friends and the subject of homemade pizza came up. They had never made homemade pizza from the crust up so we made plans to get together sometime and we would show them how to make pizza crust. That time finally came and we went to have dinner with them.

It was kind of like a cooking show. It was quite fun. We made 2 batches of crust - 1 white flour and 1 stone ground whole wheat. It is super easy and really inexpensive.

Here we go:
1 large bowl
pizza or cookie trays, or pizza stone
6-7 cups white flour or approximately 5 cups whole wheat
2 Tablespoons yeast (2 small packets)
2 1/4 cup very warm water. I have the most success when it is just barely hot
1 tablespoon sugar - any sugar will do but I prefer brown sugar
A pinch of salt
1/4 cup oil - your preference

In a large bowl combine the yeast and water. I stir until most of it is dissolved. Next, stir in your sugar.
Mix in the oil
Add 2 cups flour and stir it in until just a little lumpy.
Throw in your salt.
Add 2 more cups flour, stirring until mostly mixed.
Add 1 more cup of flour.
Once the dough gets hard to stir, I flour my hands and start mixing it by hand. Usually at this point.
I add 1/2 cup flour at a time, mixing it well. Once it is manage-able, not so sticky that it all clings to my hands, I start kneading it.
Take the edge of your dough and fold.punch it into the middle.
DO a quarter turn and fold it in again.
You will do this for approximately 5-8 minutes, adding a little flour if it sticks to your hands.
You will be done kneading it when the dough looks springy. As you push it down it starts swelling back out versus staying punched down.
Lift your dough out of the bowl and put a splash of oil in it.
Set the dough on the splash of oil, and rub it around.
Flip the dough over so the oiled side is up,
Cover with a paper towel or kitchen towel,
And set on the back burner of the stove. MAKE SURE THE BURNER IS NOT TURNED ON.
I then set my oven to 450 or 500 degrees. The heat will help the dough rise better. If you have a pizza stone, put it in the oven at this time.
Let the dough rise until double in size - around 45 minutes.
Punch the dough down,
Divide in half and stretch out on an oiled cookie or pizza tray.
If you use a preheated pizza stone be careful as that pan is going to be piping hot.
Add your toppings and put the pizza in the oven until baked. Depending on your oven temperature and crust thickness this will take anywhere from 10-20 minutes.

Our family loves to pull together all the odd and end fresh veggies in the house, cheeses, peperoni, ham, pineapple, whatever we have, to make "special request" pizzas.

Sunday we had 4 pizzas- white crust with half plain/half pepperoni and mushroom, a thick crust white pizza with ricotta, grape tomatoes, mozzarella/mexican cheeses, broccoli, sweet red pepper, and onion, a whole wheat pepperoni,onion, and mushroom, and a wheat "all the leftover veggies piled on" pizza.

Thanks for a great evening Nate and Jess. It will forever be remembered as we went out with a bang!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Re-arranging Furniture

I generally re-arrange the furniture on my own. No big new thing. It is just easier to do it on my own when I "have a vision" of where things can go or will fit.It is also much easier because if Dave is home he wants to try this or that, or isn't sure ho it will look my way. Well, it never fails, if I just do it then he loves it.

It started with the fact that we don't have tv service so I can actually put my tv where I want to - not dependent on where there are holes in the floors for the cables. Next was the fact that with wood floors, toys, papers, junk all accumulate under the couches. If I am going to move the furniture to clean I may as well keep moving it to its new spot.

All great and fine until I was moving the buffet, well, really an long dresser. We have 2 entertainment centers - in our basement. Neither were big enough to hold the tv we were given from my sister who had gotten it from our aunt. The dresser wasn't being used so I covered it with a cloth and had a new entertainment center.

Well, to move it I needed to lift it just slightly to get it over the edge of the carpet. OOPS!!! I lifted it just a bit too high. The 44/48 inch OLD tv slid forward, tipping the dresser. I know that it would do better justice for you to see video of what happens next but I don't have that, thank God!!!

Thankfully the couch and a small chair were in front of it. The tv slid cockeyed so it was leaning against the couch and propped above the chair. The dresser was tipped forward with a bit of the tv still on it. If I moved the tv the dresser would fall - on my feet. If I moved the dresser the tv would fall - on my feet. Neither sounded great!!!

I had Eann grab another small chair and we slid it under the tv to prop it up a little better. Then, while holding on to the tv, I flipped the dresser back up- hollered for Eann to bring a kitchen chair and held onto that tv for dear life. The little chairs weren't doing a great job. We slid the chair under the tv and pulled it up onto it but the tv was too big to set on it well enough. Eann grabbed another chair and I lifted the front of the tv so we could slide the other chair under it.

Then we inched the chairs around the room as I needed get them out of the way to re-arrange the living room. Move couch a few inches, move tv on chairs a few inches. Repeat.

Lesson learned, don't move the dresser with the tv on it.

Monday, February 28, 2011

A Clean Kitchen

For some reason a clean kitchen always makes me want to bake and cook. I do wish I had a dishwasher though. By the time I am done I don't really feel like washing dishes.

On today's agenda I have: trying out a new lemon ginger scone recipe(check), granola, bread, and am trying polenta for the very first time.

I made the lemon ginger scones from . They were pretty easy, besides the time it takes to chop crystallized ginger and zest lemon. They weren't as doughy as the recipe said. It was way too sticky to pat and cut. I scraped it all onto the pan and smoothed it out instead. I also didn't have buttermilk so used a substitute - 1 tablespoon vinegar in milk(let sit 5 minutes).

As a result of not being doughier, they also didn't have the proper scone texture. That aside, they did taste good. You do need to like the flavor of ginger or you will not like this recipe. Every bite gives you a burst of ginger and/or lemon flavor. I will try this recipe 1 more time with a little more flour. If it still isn't texturally right I will check out a different recipe.

BTW, I did wash my breakfast and baking dishes so my kitchen isn't destroyed....yet.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Baking and ramblings

So I was in a car accident the other day. Yeah, not the way you would traditionally start a "I baked a cake" blog posting. Thankfully I wasn't severely injured as one would expect when you rear end a dump truck. A miracle really. In the split second before it happened I thought we would all be seriously injured. My neck is in a lot of pain, my body is sore, and yeah, my neck is in really bad shape right now.

How does this have anything to do with cake baking? Quite a bit in fact. I never realized it actually required muscle to bake a cake. Baking a cake is quite easy normally. Apparently, as I learned today, it can be quite an undertaking when your neck doesn't work so well. Pretty much every part of your body is affected. I am ok using my fingers thankfully. However, anything that requires moving my arm, back or legs hurts.

Why did I make a cake? My husband's birthday was Monday. We celebrate birthdays with cake at my parents' house where we have Sunday dinner pretty much every week. I wanted to make a super special cake and wasn't going to let my neck stop me. Here is the cake I was attempting and should easily have been able to make.

It should have been easy. I have been baking since I was 6. Apparently I didn't grease the pan enough which is absolutely absurd. I have not had issues with a cake sticking in a very long time. That cake would not come out of the pan. I tried every trick in the book. Anyway, eventually half came out. I am no longer making a cake.

Tomorrow we will have layers of cake crumble, vanilla pudding, and homemade chocolate whipped cream ( . Over top I will sprinkle shavings of Ghiradelli white chocolate.

I was getting sick of cake anyway.

Friday, January 21, 2011

To Vaccinate...or Not?

This isn't a "this is the only way" kind of blog.

In fact, this stems from the fact that everyone, or most people, have an opinion one way or another. Most people tend to voice that opinion without thought to people around them. Oh, many THINK they are being thoughtful or that they are "just voicing an opinion" but there are some pretty blanket statements that are very unfair to those they are about. It is such a touchy subject because these are our children. These are huge decisions we make that affect their lives and someone is voicing an opinion that second guesses that we are doing what is best for our children. Dare I say, sometimes even goes as far as to say we are harming our children.

My opinion on what many pediatricians think is that they spout what the CDC tells them, what they have learned in classes, and sometimes, the bottom line-income. *Note that I am not saying all or most.

I understand pretty much every perspective (I think). I understand the parents who do not vaccinate at all. Have you ever looked at the ingredients in vaccinations? Here is a link to the CDC ingredient list. Many parents weigh the balance of what is being put into their child's body with the vaccine, along with the statistics of the disease and make their decision based on that.

Still others have a moral opposition to animal products being injected into their body. The CDC says "Chemicals commonly used in the production of vaccines include a suspending fluid (sterile water, saline, or fluids containing protein); preservatives and stabilizers (for example, albumin, phenols, and glycine); and adjuvants or enhancers that help improve the vaccine's effectiveness. Vaccines also may contain very small amounts of the culture material used to grow the virus or bacteria used in the vaccine, such as chicken egg protein."

Others have no issue with that but rather take issue with the fact that some vaccinations are made using the cell lines of aborted babies. Again, see what the CDC is quoted as saying about culture material above. There is question what those potential human cell products COULD potentially do when injected in the human body. There is also the moral aspect for some people who cannot ethically/morally utilize vaccinations that were "created" using the cells of a baby that was aborted. Here is the most up to date information I can find on that subject

Other parents look at the statistics and say even that little chance of their child being infected is not worth the risk and choose to fully vaccinate their children.

No matter what you choose, it is a personal decision for a family and to simply state that people who choose to do otherwise are ignorant, in fact shows ignorance on that individual's part. No matter who you are and no matter what you choose, DO YOUR RESEARCH!!!! If you have not done your research you have even less right to tell someone that what they are doing is wrong.

And remember, whether you choose to vaccinate or not, your Dr. makes YOU take responsibility either way. You either understand that the vaccinations COULD harm your child or you understand that you could be putting your child and other children at risk by not vaccinating (and let me tell you, the refusal to vaccinate sheet they make parents sign is enough to send many parents on a guilt trip). They don't, however, always tell you that the vaccinations your child receives sometimes can shed, which means that when your child gets certain vaccines they could pass that disease on to some one else who is not protected for whatever reason.

I won't tell you what is right or wrong because I can't. All I can do is research, research, research, weigh the options, pray about it, and make a decision on what is best for my family. All I ask is that you do your research too. There is more then the CDC out there to inform you on things so go farther then that and weigh your options.

*I am sorry. For whatever reason the link feature is not working properly.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

I know a lot of people take New Year's to reflect etc., etc. I take it to be just one of those holidays where I get to celebrate and make (and eat) yummy food.

It is kind of nice to have one holiday where there doesn't have to be any "meaning" to it. I use to make resolutions and frankly, never ended up keeping them and then beating myself up the next year because I did so lousy. This year I have no
"resolutions" except those I make throughout the year.

Instead, I want to wish you all a blessed year, full of life, peace, and love. May your rainy days be blessed with sunshine, and your saddest days be blessed with hope.