Monday, March 14, 2011

I am doing a Diaper Drive

I am doing a diaper drive for Amnion Crisis Pregnancy Center.

Let me start back before I became involved with Amnion. Before my hands on experience with a crisis pregnancy center, my stereotype of them was what many of you may think or have thought - their first and main goal is to keep women from aborting their babies and to help them adopt out an "unwanted" baby.

Nothing could be farther from the truth. While a large goal of theirs is to keep the numbers of babies who are being aborted from growing they go way beyond that.

When a young woman comes into their center, pregnant, they give her her legal options. Yes, this does include abortion. They do not encourage an abortion, neither do they refer for an abortion, or suggest a clinic she can go to for one. Rather they educate her on each choice she can make.

Not only do they do this but a large part of what I have seen is that they help families of young children with clothes, diapers, cribs or car seats if need be, toys, etc. They refer them to resources such as WIC, Food stamps, organizations that help with housing, and domestic violence information. They offer classes for preparing for child birth, and caring for an infant/child. They also offer counseling to women who have chosen to have an abortion and are suffering emotionally from that decision, loving them and caring for them.

While Amnion is a "Christian" organization they do not force religion on anyone. They don't make someone listen to a sermon or their beliefs in order to receive help. They don't require you go to a church and they offer help, no strings attached. I have seen this personally.

In past years Kimberly Clark has donated the diapers left in their warehouse at the end of the year. This year however, they were informed there were no diapers. This is a HUGE impact on Amnion as I have seen more diapers go out those doors then any other item.

The crisis center in my local town and personal experience with is the one I am "raising" diapers for. The majority of the people they help are immigrant families who are struggling to get on their feet.
Would you consider either donating a pack of diapers or a few dollars to go towards a pack of diapers? If you are not local and would like to be part of this you could paypal me the money and I will get the diapers My goal is to get 50 packs of diapers, from size 1-4, with size 4 being the most needed.

1 comment:

  1. Great idea, Heather. I know you'll really be blessing Amnion!! Thanks for serving this way :)
