It's been a while since I had a food day. Today I was kind of forced into it. Thankfully I was in the mood for it though. I had gotten a box of early apples the other week and they are starting to go bad.
Plus I asked the guy at Amish stand if they had any tomato seconds and he said he was selling them $10 a box. You probably imagine bumped and rotting tomatoes but these are mostly in great shape. They just are small or got picked a day early, maybe have a few bruises or just imperfect. I love them. We weighed our box ad it was 25+ pounds.
To top it off I pulled a 10# bag of chicken legs out of the freezer and had to cook those. It was $.69# one time and Dave forgot to ask if it should be frozen as is or separated and so the result was a 10# bag of frozen chicken.
I made:
1 pre-sliced, sweetened pie filling - you put foil then wrap down in a pie plate, pile the apples, cinnamon and sugar in, wrap it, lift it out of the pie plate,stick it in a ziploc bag and freeze it. When you want a pie you pull it out, sprinkle a little sugar in the bottom crust, pop the frozen apples in, sprinkle a little flour, dot it with some butter, add a splash of milk and vanilla and bake as normal, adding appr. 10 minutes to your baking time. Easy and still great tasting.
OR you can put it in a pan, sprinkle a mixture of butter, oats and sugar on top and have super easy apple crisp in no time.
I blended 1/3 of the tomatoes with 4 large cans of tomatoes I had, onion, broccoli, garlic, and green pepper, threw in some spices and cooked it down for a few hours. That made enough sauce for tonight's pizza, 1 single sauce for Dave for lunch sometime(with pasta), and 3 family meals.
While that was cooking we tried our new ice cream maker - a sweet deal at Target for $6 (thanks so much for picking that up for me, Shannon). YUM!!!
As for the chicken, I tried something new. Instead of cooking it down in a pan with lots of water I put 2/3 the legs in the crock pot with just 1-2 cups of water and cooked it on high a few hours. It took less time than I thought it would considering they were still partially frozen. That made enough for a rich broth and chicken for 2 soups. I threw the rest of it in a pan with homemade marinade and boiled until just cooked through, That will go on the grill for lunch tomorrow.
Thankfully Dave made the pizza - whole wheat crust with sauce, cheese, and veggies loaded on it. One also had those Tyson ready to eat grilled chicken strips on it that I got for .90 the other week.
My husband was an awesome dishwasher and there are only a few dishes left from that day!!!
Good night.....ok, ok, and big balls if you watch that show (Wipeout)you know what I mean!!
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