Thursday, September 1, 2011

What an Adventure...

Ha! But not one I really wished to take. Our car battery stopped working. Of course, right before a hurricane was suppose to hit. We left it at Wawa(gas station) overnight and the next day we went back with a new battery from Wal Mart. You really see how nosy people are when you are standing in a gas station parking lot trying to change a battery. I stood there holding a huge musty smelling black umbrella while Dave tried to get the battery out in the rain and wind that started kicking up, a precursor to what later made it appear to be a slight breeze.

Well, that battery lasted 3 days. I got a call from Dabve at 5:50AM asking if I could pick him up from right up the road and take him to work. Fun times. Obviously there was something else wrong with the car. We both thought alternator. Not like we have ever had car problems before. That was sarcasm in case you didn't catch it. (I'm thinking of you Aunt Sylvia and the time you let us borrow your car. Oh, and the time Chuck and Jan let us borrow their boat....and the time....and the time...) It's been quite a few years since "those days".

We finally figured out "how to jump start your car" amid dire warnings of battery explosions, acid burns, frying your car, you name it. We were able to get it home thankfully. Anyway, so we called the mechanic we like to use - we buy the parts and pay $50 an hour. He usually fits us right in and we are golden. However, our mechanic is approximately 16 miles away. I am laughing now. Most of the trip is highway which is great - there's a wide berm IF the car dies. Which, you know, is quite likely. I prayed so hard!!! Yeah, right. We were about 6 miles away and he coasts off the side of the highway. THE HIGHWAY!!! Dave pulled into the grass so I could pull up next to him and he jump started the car AGAIN and much more quickly this time Thank God!! I was, of course, imagining all sorts of horribleness like some tractor trailer blowing by us so fast he flipped the car or someone hitting the van, then knocking into the car and hitting Dave and of course, everything blowing up from the cars charging and something going horrible wrong.

Thankfully it was over in no time and 5 minutes later we were exiting the highway. Of course it was busy and uphill and wouldn't you know, there was another car off the exit, hood up. I saw Dave starting to gesture with his arms just as the car I started jerking. He made it around the corner and amazingly, a few driveways down, where we needed to go. We both fit into the driveway and the car stopped. I started laughing. Seriously, we made it!!! Apparently he put it in neutral as soon as we got off the exit because it had completely died, and coasted down the slight slope to where we needed to go.

Now we are just waiting for a phone call to say the car is ready....I'm worried. It was suppose to be ready about 20 minutes ago.

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