Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Homeschooling AND Work

Homeschooling and working isn't always easy. I can't imagine the moms out there who work full time days (or nights) AND homeschool elementary to middle school. INSANITY. Ok, so it would be a little easier if I did the whole "order books" style home schooling. At least when it comes to flexibility but it would take so much more time planning.

Today is a juggle it all day. I clean three houses today, starting at 9 AM and ending whenever I get done. However, wouldn't you know, the teacher that oversees 3rd grade schedules their group classes for Tuesday mornings. Honestly, out of ALL the days it would HAVE to be Tuesday AND his lucky time? 9 AM. As if that isn't enough, apparently Tuesdays are every one's favorite day!! Kieran has a group lesson at 1 PM. Thankfully his is only once a month.

I have gotten all sorts of comments about homeschooling but here's the deal. I am no hero. I am also not a lunatic, although somedays I feel like one. We are doing what is best for OUR family - not YOUR family. If you think you can't do it, you could if that is what you needed to do for your family.

My house doesn't look like a million bucks. Actually, right now you couldn't pay me to let you see my house. Some days I wonder why I am cleaning other people's house when I walk into mine but I do what I have to do.

Somedays I do think it would be easier to stick them on the bus and wave good bye for the day but then I think of the reprecussions that would have on our family (yes, there would be quite a few) and realize it just isn't an option for us.

Instead, I pray hard and when I start to freak out and say I can't do it, my husband reminds me just get through one thing at a time then move to the next. Guess what? It works. I make it to the end of the day and move on to the next.

But in case you still think I make it all sound pretty, it's not. It's hard to juggle my life right now. There are just so many things that you can't even possibly know that are going on but I do it because this is what I have been called to, to serve my family and care for them the way they NEED me to, not the way I WANT to. Somehow God gives me grace to get through it - just one more day.


  1. You are a good Mom for doing what is best for your family. I don't work OR homeschool and I feel like I have to juggle everything. So I can't even imagine! (((hugs)))

  2. <3. I am blessed that I have someone who is home every night. It makes a world of difference no matter what you have going on in life.
